

We reached Mallaig in time to drop  off our bord  guests, Juda and Avigail, who are on their way back to Israel now. We enjoyed their company a lot, likewise all the fish Juda caught for us. Being used to a mediterranean climate, it was tough how he put up with the Scottish weather, standing in the rain on the pier of Tobermory fishing.

We ate a lot of mackerel the last days, usually wraped in aluminium with onions and various vegetables and grilled in the cockpit. Delicious as it was, we were also keen on a variation.

Here I will reveal to you the secrets of our most successful fisherman Juda, who is an ambitous cook too. He learned  these recipes from his Rumanian mother.

150 gr mackerel filet (but you can take any fish)

Sliced  really really thin like cappacio and arranged on a plate

marinate with:

salt and pepper

juice of 1/2 a lemon

spoonfull of Balsamico

spoonfull of  olive oil

leave it for half an hour and enjoy it best with freshly backed or toasted bread

Salted fish „Skumbié“

3 mackeles (carefully washed inside and out) sliced into pieces of 3 cm and placed in a bowl with a lid

Mix the following ingrediants carefully until sugar and salt have dissolved

2 spoons     sugar

2 spoons     salt

5 spoons     vinegar

500 ml         water

1 onion        in thin slices

Black pepper to taste

Spices like bay leaf, cloves 

We only had rosmarin available… just as good

Pour over the fish and leave it for 3 hours with room temperature and than for another 24 hours in the refrigerat

The bread that went with the fish was also freshly backed. Pita, chiabata, pizza… you name it. He proccessed more than 2 kg of flour, sometimes while sailing!!


Tonight we opt for some more Scottish food. Maillaig has enough of a choice to offer. This busy fishing and ferry port is easy to reach by train from Edinburgh or Glasgow, very handy for a change of crew, but also for the tourists, comming here for hiking in the highlands.

4 Gedanken zu „Mallaig

  1. Danke für den Hinweis auf Ihre wunderbare Internetseite. Ich bin total begeistert, einmal an Ihren Reisen auf diese eindrucksvolle Weise teilnehmen zu dürfen. Wunderschöne Eindrücke ! In Gedanken segele ich mit Ihnen.
    Weiterhin gute Reise und herzliche Grüße

  2. Wow! Thanks a lot for your lively and nearly poetic blog! It meant a lot to me baing witness of you tremendous experiences! And although I am not fond of Talisker and cigars, I am urging to get a personal report with some good food and drinks, exchanging our experiences at the Nordkap……

  3. Ich freue mich, dass wir dank der schönen Bilder und der Kommentare als Landratten an eurer tollen Reise indirekt teilnehmen können. Weiter so. Liebe Grüße aus dem Schwarzwald.
    Schnappi und Tiger.

  4. Toll, wenn das Meer noch fischreich ist und man nicht nur einen erfahrenen Fischer, sondern auch 2 exzellente Köche an Bord hat!
    Weiterhin gute Reise – ich freue mich schon auf die Berichte aus dem hohen Norden!

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